Tutor Training

Four students sit around a computer in the Richter Library Four students sit around a computer in the Richter Library

College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) Certification

The peer tutoring program at the Camner Center for Academic Resources is certified by the College Reading & Learning Association. This helps ensure that all peer tutors are equipped with a set of standard instructional methods and an understanding of the learning process. All new and returning tutors are required to attend basic training (2 hours) on the policies and procedures of the Camner Center for Academic Resources. Tutors are required to complete College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) Level I certification (10 hours). Tutors have the option of completing College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) Level II certification (additional 10 hours).

Level I Certification must include:

  • Basic training workshop
  • Complete 25 tutoring hours
  • Tutor evaluation
  • Five (5) Academic Workshops
  • Two (2) Educational videos

Level II Certification (10 hours) must include:

  • Complete Level I training
  • Minimum of 25 tutoring hours beyond CRLA Level 1
  • Excellent evaluations by Tutoring Coordinator
  • 10 hours training
