Learning Specialist

Group of students talking and using a laptop Group of students talking and using a laptop

The Camner Center for Academic Resources provides the support of a trained learning specialist to undergraduate students. The learning specialist provides guidance to students experiencing difficulty with academic issues related to the transition to college.

Students may request a one-on-one meeting with the learning specialist to help develop the skills needed to achieve success in their academic careers. Some of the skills covered during these appointments include time management, effective note-taking, critical textbook reading, organization, test taking, and learning strategies. Appointments with the learning specialist are subject to availability and based on a first come first serve basis.

Making an Appointment

Students should be familiar with the following expectations before requesting an appointment:

  • Students must be currently enrolled at the University of Miami.
  • Students can request a maximum of 1 learning specialist appointment per week, with a limit of 8 sessions per semester.
  • Students must request appointments at least 24 hours in advance.
  • Students must arrive to every session on time or notify the learning specialist if running late.
  • Learning specialist will hold appointment slot for 10 minutes for students to arrive.

Request an Appointment

Other Opportunities

Independent Learning Initiative

The Independent Learning Initiative is an academic support program for students needing additional guidance during the college experience.

Learn More


The Camner Center workshops are designed to instruct students on specific academic skills and strategies to enhance academic performance.

Learn More

Learning Tips

  • Study sessions should be short and intense, without distractions.
  • Begin each study session with the most challenging material so that your brain is fresh and most alert.
  • Before referencing your book or notes, attempt to recall or solve newly learned concepts or problems from memory.
  • Summarize readings in your own words, create personal examples whenever possible.
  • Space learning out (no cramming); the brain retains information best when it’s learned over time.
  • Quiz yourself, take practice exams, and practice solving problems to accurately assess your understanding.
  • Be honest with yourself about your level of mastery.
  • Invest time on learning the areas you are least proficient in.
  • Seek immediate feedback (check answers) to ensure that you are working in the right direction.
  • Study with the intent to learn and apply the material.

  • Create a daily to-do list.
  • Prioritize items based on their importance.
  • Dedicate a folder or binder to each course.
  • Keep all material together based on date, chapter, importance, etc.
  • Designate a day for the reorganization of your material (backpack, folders, etc.) weekly to maintain the structure.

  • Be well rested! Hard work can be nullified due to lack of sleep.
  • The day before and morning of the exam should be a short review to validate your understanding. Think of it as a warm-up.
  • Carefully read the directions in each section.
  • During the exam when challenging problems arise, attempt to solve the problem, but do not linger too long; move on to another problem and return that that one later.
  • Relax and remain calm. When you begin to feel anxious, close your eyes and focus on your breathing; continue when you regain your composure.
  • Attempt to answer all questions and thoroughly check your work.
  • After the test, assess your preparation and determine how you will make adjustments to prepare for future exams.

  • Pay attention during class and be an active participant. The more you understand during class, the less you have to learn independently.
  • Use a time management tool (Calendar, Planner or Phone Application) to stay organized.
  • Use your Syllabus to input all upcoming assignments and exams. Update changes as soon as possible.
  • Use your calendar to identify times that can be designated as regular study times.
  • Always allocate more time than you expect it will take to complete tasks.
  • Utilize time between classes for studying.
  • Avoid saving all of your studying for the evening.
