
Students working on computers in the Richter Library Students working on computers in the Richter Library

Student Responsibilities

Self-identifying a disability and asking for accommodation are personal decisions. If a student requests accommodations at the University of Miami, he or she is responsible for completing the process of registering with the Office of Disability Services. It is up to the student to take the initiative and remain actively involved in the accommodation process. If there are concerns about this process, ODS encourages students to call or stop by for a confidential review of the options available.

Students Seeking Reasonable Accommodations Must

  • Register with ODS by submitting the Accommodations Request Form along with current and complete documentation in accordance with the deadlines for each semester.
  • Respond to correspondence sent to your University of Miami email account. E-mail is the official form of communication for all ODS correspondence, unless otherwise notified. Correspondence will be sent to your UM e-mail account for current students or the specified alternative e-mail account listed on your accommodation request form for incoming freshman. It is the student's responsibility to forward e-mails to private accounts via MyUM to avoid missing pertinent information and deadlines. Decisions regarding accommodations requests will be sent via U.S. mail to the address listed on the request form as a courtesy.

Appeal deadlines are based on the official e-mail correspondence date.

  • Promptly Notify ODS whenever there are concerns, questions or a change in needs.
  • Conduct themselves in a respectful and professional manner. Issues of student conduct are automatically reported to the Dean of Students Office.

Student Responsibilities When Accommodations Are Granted

  • Students must complete updated contact information each fall. The Accommodation Letter from ODS will be emailed to students once the contact information is updated and all applicable forms are returned to ODS.
  • Accommodation Letters must be provided to instructors during the first two weeks of class to receive accommodations. Accommodation letters presented to faculty without notice may result in the denial of those accommodations for upcoming exams.
  • Students are responsible for informing ODS in writing regarding any changes in their condition or needs.
  • Students are responsible for informing ODS of any issues with accommodations, faculty, or campus accessibility.

Using the ODS Testing Facilities

  • Students must obtain written approval from the professor prior to scheduling an exam.
  • Students must provide accurate information about the date, time, and course seven (7) days prior to the date of the exam. ODS is not able to proctor last minute exams for faculty or students.
  • Students must arrive on time for exams. Late arrivals for testing appointments will reduce the allotted time for an exam.
  • Students must bring the appropriate materials for their exam. ODS is not responsible for providing calculators, models, or any other materials.

ODS Responsibilities

  • ODS will provide Accommodation Letters for students at the beginning of each academic year.
  • ODS may provide testing accommodations during regular operating hours when the instructor cannot provide the accommodations.
  • ODS will contact the instructor prior to the exam date to obtain instructions on how the exam is to be obtained, administered, and returned to the instructor.
  • ODS will provide testing accommodations according to instructors written directions. Variations will not be allowed without direct approval from the instructor.
  • ODS will not allow students to bring the following items into an exam:
    • Books or other written materials (Notes, note cards, etc.)
    • Backpacks or purses
    • Hats
    • Cell phones
    • Watches
    • Calculators (unless approved by the instructor)
  • All scratch paper is collected and returned to the professor.
  • ODS will return the exam to the instructor’s office or department within 24 hours.
  • ODS will report to instructor any variances in exam administration.
  • ODS will report every instance of cheating or suspected cheating to the professor and Dean of Students.
  • ODS will monitor all testing sessions via closed circuit cameras.

Instructor Responsibilities

  • Instructor will approve the date and time of the exam in writing.
  • Instructor will respond to ODS requests for test arrangements within 48 hours.
  • Instructor will agree to provide the exam no later than 5pm the day before the exam is scheduled.
  • Instructor will deliver the exam to ODS or make the exam available for pick-up 24 hours prior to the date the exam is scheduled.
  • Instructor will direct any questions or concerns regarding testing accommodations to ODS.
