
The U Statue next to the Rock Plaza The U shape Statue next to the Rock Plaza

The Office of Disability Services preserves the confidentiality of student records as provided in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Information concerning students who receive disability services is kept confidential. The office will not release information pertaining to an individual’s disability to a third party. Request for such a release will be denied.

Upon registering with the Office of Disability Services, a student is asked to sign a Release of Information Form giving ODS permission to speak with those offices and individuals who are most appropriate in the process of providing accommodations. Additional offices and individuals are included on the Release of Information Form on a case-by-case basis. A student may amend the Release of Information Form at any time by notifying ODS in writing. Exceptions to the confidentiality provisions will be made in situations involving harm to self or harm to others or as provided in state law.
